
Track: Brand packaging

Tue 07
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

Sustainability of mass-consumption packaging: from theory to practice

Eva Minguella Mas
Eva Minguella Mas Elisava Director of the Master’s Degree in Packaging Design Speaker

#Branding, #Ecodesign, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

07-05-2024 10:30 07-05-2024 11:00 Europe/Madrid Sustainability of mass-consumption packaging: from theory to practice Hispack Unboxing
10:30h - 11:00h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Sustainability of mass-consumption packaging: from theory to practice

Eva Minguella Mas
Eva Minguella Mas Elisava Director of the Master’s Degree in Packaging Design Moderador/Presentador
Ferran Vaqué Bover
Ferran Vaqué Bover PROQUIMIA Project Manager - Household Division Speaker
Miquel Campmany
Miquel Campmany Nestlé Responsable de Comunicación al Consumidor y Marketing Capability Speaker
Amaya Prat
Amaya Prat CASA AMETLLER (AMETLLER ORIGEN GRUP) Sustainability & RDi Manager Speaker
Ricard Romero Vinaches
Ricard Romero Vinaches VALLFORMOSA Chief Marketing Officer Speaker

#Branding, #Ecodesign, #Multisectorial, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

07-05-2024 11:00 07-05-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Sustainability of mass-consumption packaging: from theory to practice Hispack Unboxing
11:00h - 12:00h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Packaging in the cosmetics and perfume industry: projects, progress and challenges

Lucía Jiménez Silva
Lucía Jiménez Silva Spanish Cosmetics, Toiletry and Perfumery Association (STANPA) Responsible of environmental Moderador/Presentador
Jordi Camarasa Escrig
Jordi Camarasa Escrig NIRVEL COSMETICS Responsable de compras y proyectos Speaker
Pablo Jiménez Ruiz
Pablo Jiménez Ruiz MARTIDERM Packaging Engineering Manager Speaker
Ana Lasierra Resa
Ana Lasierra Resa BELLA AURORA Packaging Manager Speaker
Joaquim Cons
Joaquim Cons PUIG Product Stewardship & Eco-Design Manager Speaker

#Branding, #Ecodesign, #Sustainability

07-05-2024 15:30 07-05-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Packaging in the cosmetics and perfume industry: projects, progress and challenges Hispack Unboxing
15:30h - 16:30h Hispack Unboxing
Route | Themed Routes

Innovative packaging: creativity, experience and sustainability

07-05-2024 16:00 07-05-2024 17:00 Europe/Madrid Innovative packaging: creativity, experience and sustainability

A thematic itinerary that connects strategic packaging design and innovation, mainly intended for brands, designers, branding and packaging agencies. Proposals include new sustainable and advanced materials, packaging formats and designs to improve the user experience, packaging solutions for various sectors and e-commerce.

Meeting Point Hispack Unboxing
16:00h - 17:00h Meeting Point Hispack Unboxing
Wed 08
Side Event | Side events

How to construct value with packaging

Laura Blanco
Laura Blanco INFOPACK Directora de contenidos en CAPITAL RADIO Moderador/Presentador

#Branding, #Design

08-05-2024 11:00 08-05-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid How to construct value with packaging STAND A170
11:00h - 12:00h STAND A170
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Discovering the Keys and Trends that will Shape the Packaging Industry in the coming years

Àlex Brossa Enrique
Àlex Brossa Enrique Packaging Cluster Cluster Manager Moderador/Presentador
Mireia Andreu Robert
Mireia Andreu Robert Packaging Cluster Innovation Manager Speaker
Loreley Videla
Loreley Videla Almirall Global Packaging & Design Specialist Speaker
Francisco Bernal
Francisco Bernal SP Group CEO Speaker
Cayetano Martínez Díez
Cayetano Martínez Díez DS SMITH Head of Marketing South Europe Packaging Speaker
Núria Betriu
Núria Betriu PASTISART Consellera Delegada Speaker

#Ecodesign, #Multisectorial, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability, #Tendencias

08-05-2024 16:30 08-05-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Discovering the Keys and Trends that will Shape the Packaging Industry in the coming years

In this talk, we explore the keys and trends that are shaping the future of the packaging industry. Through an exhaustive analysis of the data and emerging trends, we reveal how the packaging industry is evolving and adapting to changing market demands and consumer preferences. From the standpoint of sustainability and technological innovation to customisation and the user experience, we will be taking a look at the key factors that are driving the transformation of design, production and use of containers. What's more, we will be presenting hard numbers on the current state of the industry, providing valuable insight to companies and professionals seeking to stay at the forefront of the industry.

Hispack Unboxing
16:30h - 17:30h Hispack Unboxing
Side Event | Side events

Sustainability and design

Laura Blanco
Laura Blanco INFOPACK Directora de contenidos en CAPITAL RADIO Moderador/Presentador

#Branding, #Design, #Sustainability

08-05-2024 17:00 08-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Sustainability and design STAND A170
17:00h - 18:00h STAND A170
Thu 09
Side Event | Side events

Packaging innovation and trends in the cosmetics, perfume and personal care industries.

Iván Borrego
Iván Borrego Beauty Cluster Managing Director Speaker
Àlex Brossa Enrique
Àlex Brossa Enrique Packaging Cluster Cluster Manager Speaker

09-05-2024 10:00 09-05-2024 10:10 Europe/Madrid Packaging innovation and trends in the cosmetics, perfume and personal care industries. CC1. ROOM 1
10:00h - 10:10h CC1. ROOM 1
Keynote | Side events

Global market developments in cosmetics and perfumes

Adrià Martínez
Adrià Martínez Beauty Cluster Project Manager Speaker

09-05-2024 10:10 09-05-2024 10:25 Europe/Madrid Global market developments in cosmetics and perfumes CC1. ROOM 1
10:10h - 10:25h CC1. ROOM 1
Side Event | Side events

Development of material and packaging use in the cosmetics industry

Mireia Andreu Robert
Mireia Andreu Robert Packaging Cluster Innovation Manager Speaker

09-05-2024 10:25 09-05-2024 10:40 Europe/Madrid Development of material and packaging use in the cosmetics industry CC1. ROOM 1
10:25h - 10:40h CC1. ROOM 1
Roundtable | Side events

Cases of branding and packaging innovation in cosmetics and perfume

Camil Castellà
Camil Castellà Aktiva Design Socio Fundador Moderador/Presentador
Enric Bellot
Enric Bellot Molpack Technical Manager Speaker
Aleix Triana
Aleix Triana Triana CEO Speaker
Pablo Benito
Pablo Benito Envaselia Commercial Director Speaker
Roger Jerez
Roger Jerez Grup TEB Business Director Industrial Speaker
Marta Ravés
Marta Ravés Sampling Innovations Europe Marketing Specialist Speaker

09-05-2024 11:00 09-05-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Cases of branding and packaging innovation in cosmetics and perfume CC1. ROOM 1
11:00h - 12:00h CC1. ROOM 1
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

ALIMARKET Session on Packaging, Sustainability and Circular Economy in the FMCG industry

Antonio Martínez Giménez
Antonio Martínez Giménez Alimarket Director del Área de Envase Moderador/Presentador
Maria de Dios Maquieira
Maria de Dios Maquieira Mahou San Miguel Jefe de I+D+i de Envases, Procesos de envasado y Homologaciones Speaker
Esther García García
Esther García García NAUTERRA Sustainability Specialist Speaker
Oriol Bertran Grimau
Oriol Bertran Grimau Grupo INCASA - CQP Brands Marketing Manager Speaker

#Branding, #Ecodesign, #Multisectorial, #Sustainability, #Tendencias

09-05-2024 11:00 09-05-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid ALIMARKET Session on Packaging, Sustainability and Circular Economy in the FMCG industry

Packaging has become a core element within companies’ comprehensive sustainability strategies. Leading companies such as Mahou San Miguel, Nauterra (formerly Calvo) and Grupo Incasa will show attendees how they apply these plans in sectors such as beer, water, preserves, home care and personal care, including the creation of new packaging designed to meet certain consumer demands.

Hispack Unboxing
11:00h - 12:30h Hispack Unboxing
Keynote | Hispack International Programme

Achieving sustainable packaging and premium value

Yoshinori Kumasaka
Yoshinori Kumasaka SHISEIDO Director Sustainability Development Acceleration Departmernt Speaker

#Branding, #Design, #Sustainability

09-05-2024 11:15 09-05-2024 11:45 Europe/Madrid Achieving sustainable packaging and premium value International Business Center
11:15h - 11:45h International Business Center
Side Event | Best in Class

Best in Class Dialogues 2022-2024: Sustainability in the Beauty Industry. A Global Approach

Meritxell Escarrà
Meritxell Escarrà THE BODY SHOP Marketing Manager Speaker
Yoshinori Kumasaka
Yoshinori Kumasaka SHISEIDO Director Sustainability Development Acceleration Departmernt Speaker

#Branding, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

09-05-2024 11:45 09-05-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Dialogues 2022-2024: Sustainability in the Beauty Industry. A Global Approach International Business Center
11:45h - 12:00h International Business Center
Fri 10
Side Event | Side events

When the label becomes a visual symphony

Laura Blanco
Laura Blanco INFOPACK Directora de contenidos en CAPITAL RADIO Moderador/Presentador

#Design, #Labels

10-05-2024 11:30 10-05-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid When the label becomes a visual symphony

Carlos Sala from Bulldog Studio and Carles Anadon from Series Nemo offer us a wonderful “visual symphony” featuring their most successful projects.

11:30h - 12:00h STAND A170
Side Event | Side events

THE LABEL: Innovation and creativity, where are we going?

Fco. Javier Romero
Fco. Javier Romero INFOPACK Editor Moderador/Presentador

#Design, #Labels

10-05-2024 12:30 10-05-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid THE LABEL: Innovation and creativity, where are we going? STAND A170
12:30h - 13:00h STAND A170
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

Packaging Intelligence

Camil Castellà
Camil Castellà Aktiva Design Socio Fundador Speaker

#Branding, #Inteligencia Artificial, #Tendencias

10-05-2024 13:00 10-05-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid Packaging Intelligence

I invite you to find out how artificial intelligence is transforming the world of packaging.We’ll explore the latest creative innovations and their impact on our daily lives, redefining the interaction with the products that we consume.Don’tmiss out on this chance to delve into the thrilling future of packaging powered by artificial intelligence.” 

Hispack Unboxing
13:00h - 13:30h Hispack Unboxing